Edgeley House Care Home, Shropshire
Table of Content Safe Cross Care Limited Similar services nearby... Greenfields Care Home Browse Care Providers nearby: Care homes in Edgeley It’s a 200 year old farm house with a modern extension in a beautiful setting which provides a home for up to 44 individuals with a range... Our specialist Care Advisers can talk you through your options and identify the best services locally to provide the support you require. TrustedCare offers free help & advice for people looking for care for themselves or a loved one. Saw 3 homes before Edgeley House, so impressed with the home, services and staff. Management very good, cannot fault home, family always informed of any problem. They said the staff always asked them how they would like things to be done. They said staff were always mindful of their privacy and treated them with respect. We talked with some of the people who lived in this home and they said that they were well looked after. They said staff always considered their p...